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Home Kansas Transparency Database Explorer

The Kansas Transparency Database Explorer details all the economic development incentive funding or economic development grant funding that provides more than $50,000. This information is updated twice a year.

Read the statute

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Transparency Database

By statute (K.S.A. 74-50,227(d)(4)), the names or other personally identifying information of individuals who have made contributions or investments cannot be disclosed.

  • Therefore, no personal information of individuals is included in the database.

K.S.A. 79-50,22(a) states that the Department of Commerce shall collect incentive data from economic development incentive programs that provide more than $50,000 of annual incentives from administering agencies.

  • Therefore, any award less than $50,000 is not included in the database.

No credits have been claimed in the following tax credit programs in TY 2020, TY 2021 and TY 2022:

  • Abandoned Well Plugging Credit
  • Agritourism Liability Insurance Credit
  • Assistive Technology Contribution Credit
  • Employer Health Insurance Contribution Credit
  • Environmental Compliance Credit
  • Owners Promoting Employment Across Kansas (PEAK) credit.
  • Purchases from Qualified Vendor Credit
  • Single City Port Authority Credit
  • Swine Facility Improvement Credit
  • Technology Enabled Fiduciary Institutions Credit
  • Temporary Assistance to Families Contribution Tax Credit.

In TY 2021 and TY 2022, no credits were claimed in the

  • Alternative Fuel Tax Credit
  • Technology Enabled Fiduciary Financial Credit.

In TY 2021 and TY 2022, less than $50,000 credits were claimed in the:

  • Child Day Care Assistance Credit
  • Friends of Cedar Crest Association Credit.

In TY 2020, TY 2021 and TY 2022, less than $50,000 credits were claimed in in the Disabled Access Credit program.

In TY 2022, less than $50,000 credits were claimed in the Targeted Employment Credit.

Attracting Professional Sports to Kansas Fund has not been utilized. Therefore, no data to share.

Housing Investor Credit total in TY 2022 was $149,000. Additional information can be found from the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation.


Broadband Grants

  • The address listed is the recipient of the grant and not the actual project. Broadband grants typically include multiple locations (addresses). The counties that the projects are taking place in are listed in the county column.

Rural Opportunities Zones (ROZ):

  • Since the ROZ recipient is an individual, we cannot share a recipient name.
  • The address, city, county and zip code are the corresponding sponsor.