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Recognizing the value that rural communities add to the culture of our state, Commerce is launching this new grant program to support small-scale quality of place projects that create quick, meaningful results in rural communities. Through the process, the program aims to increase local capacity, grow community and youth engagement, mobilize volunteers, increase investment in the community and businesses, and to increase the number of new communities applying for and winning Commerce grant awards. 

Supporting Rural

Communities with a population of 5,000 or less that have not received funding since 2019 from the Kansas Department of Commerce are eligible for the Towns grant. Applicants may request funding for eligible, one-time project expenses of up to $10,000.

Two webinars were held to assist with providing information and guidance for the Towns Grant. The Towns Grant Overview Webinar was held to give a broad overview of the grant including goals, eligibility, timeline and resources. The Towns Grant Application Webinar was held to walk through the application in detail, describe application questions and discuss required documents . Recordings of both webinars, along with the presentation slides, are available below.

If you have any questions, email [email protected]. Responses will be added to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) documents below under the list of Resources.


Funding Amount
  • Applicants may request funding for eligible one-time project expenses for a range of $1,000 to $10,000. Total funds available is $100,000.
  • Applicants are required to demonstrate investment in the projects by providing a minimum match of 10%, which can be a combination or all in-kind if a community is less than 1,000 population. Match must come from private sources or non-state funded grants.  
  • This program will ensure that awards are geographically disbursed across the state and will award across a variety of eligible project types. 
  • We encourage communities and regions to leverage resource sharing (grant administration, grant writing, matching funds, etc.) across communities with similar needs.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Projects & Expenses
  • Funds must be used for tangible projects.  
  • Community placemaking improvements such as downtown seating, equipment for main street sound systems, gathering places, and park and recreation equipment. 
  • Signage for communities, including welcome signs, downtown light pole banners (including brackets and hardware), and wayfinding signs (wayfinding, not signage for businesses.) 
  • Benches, signage, beautification, pocket parks, or permanent public art or murals   
  • Trash receptacles, planters and plants, bike racks, etc. 
  • Downtown building window cleanup and paint, including cleaning supplies (paint, curtains, lighting, brooms, etc. to help clean storefronts of vacant properties or downtown cleanup) 
  • Small downtown infrastructure needs, such as sidewalks, curbs, accessibility improvements, or pedestrian lighting (not full streetscape) 
Ineligible Project Expenses
  • construction costs
  • building renovations
  • programming
  • speaker or event fees
  • salaries
  • LED or electric signs
  • strategic planning
  • consultant reviews
  • architect or engineering reports
  • this list is not exhaustive

Application Details

Application Process

The application is located within Submittable which will require the applicant to create an account. Once an account is created, they can begin filling out the application. An application can be shared with multiple Submittable accounts. This means that one person can start the application and then can add contributors to help complete the required sections of the application. 

An applicant may apply to use funds to support a single project or multiple projects through community collaboration, though no more than 3 projects can be requested within an application. 

  • PROJECT INFORMATION: Organization type, County, Community Population, Project Name, Project Address, Contact Name, Contact Organization Name, Contact Phone Number, Contact Email Address 
  • APPLICATION OVERVIEW: 100-word limit – may include up to 3 projects  
  • PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS: 300-word limit (each if multiple projects) 
  • COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: 300-word limit (each if multiple projects) 
  • OVERALL PROJECT(S) NARRATIVE: 300-word limit 
  • COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: 300-word limit 
  • PROJECT IMPORTANCE: 300-word limit 
  • PROJECT BUDGET: Fill-in; make sure to include the amount of matching funds that are currently committed (each if multiple projects) 
  • PROJECT TIMELINE: Fill-in; make sure to include details of the scope of work, with goals & deadlines that match the project budget (each if multiple projects) 
  • LETTER(S) OF SUPPORT: One Letter of Support is required  
  • PROOF OF MATCH: Proof of matching funds (10% required if town population is 1000 or more) or letter outlining value of in-kind donations 
  • PROJECT PHOTOS: Maximum of 10 photos 
  • PROJECT ESTIMATES: If applicable, highly encouraged, maximum 5 attachments  
  • ANY OTHER APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: Maximum 3 attachments that support demonstration of need 
  • Applications will open on Monday, December 16, 2024, and will close on Friday, February 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
  • December 2024- February 2025 Technical Assistance available through office hours
  • All applications will be reviewed by the Department of Commerce for allowability and compliance and will be competitively scored. Awards are expected to be announced in mid-April.
  • Grant activities must begin within 3 months of a fully executed grant award document.
  • All grant activities must be completed within 12 months of the award date.
  • Expenses must be incurred after award execution.

Additional Resources


This FAQ document will be updated following each webinar and as needed on a regular basis with questions. Check here to see if your question has been addressed, if you do not see it, please email [email protected] with your question and it will be added to the document.

Cities eligible for Towns funding

If your community has been recently awarded a CDBG grant, the community is no longer eligible for the Towns grant. Congratulations on the award.

The list of eligible towns has been updated reflecting communities that have received SEED, Tourism and BASE grants that are ineligible.

Office Hours

Office hours have ben concluded for this grant. If you have questions, please email [email protected].

This time is available for applicants that have questions about the Towns Grant application. These meetings will be recorded and posted to the webpage with additional resources. 

Join our office hours on Thursdays from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. through February 27. Registration is required, you can register for 1 or multiple sessions.

Community Self-Assessment Toolkit

Kansas Commerce’s community self-assessment toolkit is a resource for community leaders to leverage their existing assets and identify opportunities for projects that can help build their community. With this information, communities can outline strategies and activities that align with Commerce’s available grant opportunities. This toolbox includes the following materials:

  • Community Self-Assessment Tools:
    » Survey Instrument
    » Facilitation Guide
    » Asset Inventory
  • Community Engagement Meeting Tips
  • Ideas for Building Community
  • Community Action Plan Tips
  • How to Engage Youth in Community Planning
Sample Application
Towns Grant Example Budget
Towns Grant Timeline & Goals
ACH Form
OPC – Policy on Covered Technology
Sexual Harassment Policy

Trisha Purdon, Director of the Office of Rural Prosperity

(785) 289-3763

[email protected]
