Available Programs:
Poetry is an art of attention. But sometimes the more attention we pay to the world, the more astonishing and confusing it can be. The medical researcher Jonas Salk said: “What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.” I believe this also holds true for poetry. What images do we see each day that excite our minds? What sounds do we hear that awaken our hearts? What poems ask for our attention and reward us with discovery? This presentation will use poetry to create surprises, explore our curiosities, and find new questions.
In so many communities there is an appetite to find language for our experiences and connect with others. Joyce Carol Oates said: “If food is poetry, is not poetry also food?” I believe cuisine can be a link to open a memory, a great way to connect with those we love, and a source of inspiration for poetry. This presentation will use poetry to connect us both with our senses in daily activities as well as help us recall memories that remind us of family, culture and community. Poetry can be a place of nourishment, a bounty of the sensory, a feast of words.
The above programs are designed for a roughly 60-minute time frame but can be adjusted if necessary. Traci may be able to accommodate other program or appearance requests, but priority will be given for the listed programs.