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CDBG Program Proposed Changes

The Department of Commerce, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, will conduct one public hearing for the CDBG program.  The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. by Zoom.  The purpose of this hearing is to gain citizen input on the proposed changes to the federally funded CDBG program for the 2023 program year as well as take comments on the performance of past administration of this program.  No preregistration is required.  All citizens are invited to attend the public hearing.  Written comment is encouraged and will be accepted by email at [email protected] up until the day and time of the hearing. The public is also welcomed to submit questions about the proposed changes via email at [email protected].

Topic: Public Hearing for 2023 CDBG Program Proposed Changes
Time: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 10:00 AM Central Time
Meeting ID: 837 9275 2605
Passcode: M59VzU

Anyone needing special accommodations should contact the Kansas Department of Commerce at least five business days in advance of the hearing at 785-296-3004, fax 785-296-3490 or TTY 711.

The following are proposed amendments and changes to the 2023 program. Listed below are the items for discussion.

Community Facilities and Services

The CDBG program will focus its Community Facilities and Services on three targeted categories for the 2023 Annual Competition.  These categories are as follows: Early Childhood Centers (non-profit only), Youth Recreation Centers and Parks, and Sidewalks and Trails.  All other CDBG Community Facilities and Services project applications will be paused for the 2023 funding round that do not fall into these categories.


Change to funding Regional Water Planning Grants only. These grants can be used to investigate and determine the feasibility of Regional Water Projects. The annual competition Water/Sewer Infrastructure grant will be paused for the 2023 program year. The $1 million Regional Water Project set aside in CDBG will be available in 2023 through an open round as a funding source for those projects that are determined to be feasible for regionalization.

Commercial Rehabilitation

For the main Commercial Rehabilitation category, re-define the funding for slum and blight projects OR job creation national objective and allocate $1 million in funding. Add a new sub-category for the removal of architectural barriers and allocate $1 million in funding. The national objective for this category would be limited clientele. We will continue to require 25 percent match for both categories.


Move from an annual competition round to an open round in the CDBG Housing category with the application due from approximately January 9 to November 1, 2023.


There is approximately $2,000,000 remaining in CDBG-CV funds for which cities and counties may apply for to utilize for Economic Development, Job Retention. The program is considering focusing those funds for minority and women-owned businesses, which may have been disproportionately impacted during the pandemic.on round to an open round in the CDBG Housing category with the application due from approximately January 9 to November 1, 2023.

Administration Allowance

Increase administration fees for the subrecipients to fifteen percent of the grant award not to exceed $25,000 for categories, except for categorically excluded not subject to (CENST), which is limited to $10,000.

Increase administration fees for Housing Rehabilitation to $30,000 from the current $25,000. The recommendation would increase administration fees by $5,000.

Public Service/Job Training

Add a new category for arts-related job training and employment for youth.

2023 proposed allocations per category

Fund projects as outlined in the table below.

Expected allocation from HUD: $14,500,000.

Category2023 Proposed Recommendation2023 Expected Allocation
Community Facilities and Services  
Early Childhood CentersUp to 21%$3,000,000
Youth Recreation Centers and ParksUp to 21%$3,000,000
Sidewalks and TrailsUp to 14%$2,000,000
Water and Sewer  
Water and Sewer Regional PlanningUp to 14%$2,000,000
HousingUp to 14%$2,000,000
Commercial RehabilitationUp to 7%$1,000,000
Removal of Architectural BarriersUp to 7%$1,000,000
Public Service/Job Training  
Arts-related job training/employment for youthUp to 3%$500,000
Urgent NeedUp to 1%$100,000
State AdministrationUp to 3%$450,000

Kayla Savage, Director of Community Engagement

(785) 213-7056

[email protected]
