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Program Overview

The Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) is proposing the Kansas Broadband Ready Communities (KBRC) program to address broadband access challenges in unserved and underserved areas of the state. The program aims to assist communities in preparing for future grant funding opportunities by providing an efficient and accessible path to broadband readiness.

Kansas Broadband Ready Communities is designed to pave the way for improved broadband access in communities across the state, ensuring that Kansas remains at the forefront of digital connectivity.

With Kansas Broadband Ready Communities designation, Kansas communities will be prepared to make their bids for service more competitive and be ready for future grant opportunities such as the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity (DE) initiatives. By adopting specific local ordinances ahead of time, communities can ensure more successful and sustainable broadband deployment projects.

Limit Community Barriers to Broadband Infrastructure Projects

“Participating in the Kansas Broadband Ready Communities program is not just about securing funding or improving internet access; it’s about building resilient, future-ready communities,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “By becoming a Broadband Ready Community, you’re taking a proactive step toward economic growth, educational opportunities and improved quality of life for all residents.”

How to Qualify

Communities seeking designation as Kansas Broadband Ready Community must adopt an ordinance that aligns with the minimum requirements outlined by the program.

These requirements include:

  • Single point of contact
  • No fee beyond K.S.A. 17-1902
  • Applications responded to within 30 days
  • Moving towards electronic filing system
  • Nondiscriminatory permit procedure

Kansas Broadband Ready Communities

CommunityDate of CertificationSingle Point of ContactEmail Address of ContactPhone Number of Contact
Wabaunsee County02/16/2024Jim MacGregor[email protected]785.313.3012
Sedgwick County3/22/2024Vicky McMinn[email protected]316.660.9859
Miami County4/3/2024Kristie Reitinger[email protected]913.285.6108
Saline County10/17/2024Justin Mader[email protected]785.826.6527
City of Lyons12/19/2024Jared Jones[email protected]620.257.2320


Executive Summary + Documents

Communities seeking certification as KBRCs must adopt an ordinance that aligns with the minimum requirements outlined by the program. These requirements include having a designated point of contact, timely review of project applications within 30 business days, transitioning to electronic filing systems, ensuring reasonable filing fees, and prohibiting discrimination in permitting procedures. Implementation of the KBRC program will begin upon the final approval and publishing guidelines. Once completed, the program will be open for official submissions by eligible entities. The KOBD will maintain a public-facing list of certified communities on its website, showcasing their commitment to broadband deployment.


The program will reevaluate every three years ensuring that standards remain up to date, and previously certified communities will have the opportunity to recertify.



Kansas Broadband Ready Communities (“KBRC”): A Kansas Broadband Ready Community (KBRC) is defined as a city or county within the State of Kansas that has met all requirements established by the program and has received official notification of certification by the KOBD.

Any local permit, license, certificate approval, registration, or similar form of approval required by policy, administrative rule, regulation, ordinance, or resolution with respect to a broadband network project.

Project: The construction or deployment of wireline or wireless communications facilities to provide communications services.

“We encourage all Kansas communities to embrace the Kansas Broadband Ready Communities program, which supports innovation, preparedness and collaboration. Obtaining this certification is a clear way to showcase that broadband connectivity is a top priority, and that communities are ready to take full advantage of the many digital opportunities available.”

Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland

Shelley Paasch, Broadband Partnerships Coordinator

(785) 276-9995

[email protected]

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