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Challenge the Map

We need your help to challenge the new Federal Communications Commission broadband service location and availability maps. 

The FCC recently published new broadband maps to help determine how much federal funding states will receive to shore up gaps in internet service. As part of the process, states, residents, cities, counties, businesses, etc. have the ability to challenge the accuracy of these maps.

The map shares where internet coverage areas exist, the technology internet is delivered with (fiber/wireless/satellite/etc.) and where service gaps are perceived. However, metrics used are showing areas covered that might not be. 

IMPORTANT: This map from the FCC will determine how much funding Kansas receives. Currently the FCC shows KS at ~5% unserved. We are more likely closer to 15% unserved, and that difference will have a direct negative impact on the dollars we receive … potentially 100’s of millions of dollars! We can challenge/change this map, but it will take a strategic concerted effort across the state and through our networks. 

Our ask is that you share this information with your coworkers, neighbors, and friends and encourage them to go to the website to check to see what buildings are shown as covered. We need them to share their stories, challenge areas “served” that are not, and make sure their voices are heard. 

Below is a link to an infographic and a video to explain the challenge process.

Challenge Instructions as provided by our Federal Program Officer, Melinda Stanley:

1. Point your browser to: or use the buttons below

Locality Challenge

  • LOCALITY: Type in the address and select from the auto-generated location options.
  • When the map renders, verify that the locator dot is centered on the correct rooftop
  • If the locator dot is not on the correct rooftop, click on the “Location Challenge” link in the upper right corner of the map and type in the contact information and select the appropriate Challenge Type and any documentation if available.
  • Click Submit.

Service Availability Challenge

  • SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Check the Provider, Technology, and Speeds available at this address.
  • If any information is incorrect, click on “Availability Challenge” and select any of the providers that are incorrect.
  • Enter Challenge or Feedback, the contact information, and you may either describe your experience or upload a documentation image or file.
  • Click Submit.

You should receive a confirmation email from the FCC after you have successfully completed a challenge submission. Thank you so much for your time and support as we reach out to connect all Kansas with high-speed, affordable internet! #connectingallkansans #internetforall

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Joseph Le, Deputy Director of Broadband Development

(785) 230-4615

[email protected]


Morgan Barnes, Engagement and Outreach Manager

(785) 207-9005

[email protected]
