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Housing Resources in Kansas

Affordable, quality and accessible housing are critical to growing the Kansas economy and improving the quality of life in our state.

The Kansas Department of Commerce is working with the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation, USDA-Rural Development, and Federal Home Loan Bank to ensure the state has enough good quality and affordable housing for all Kansans.

The State of Kansas and the Federal Government have various programs to assist individuals; developers; cities, counties, non-profits; and lenders to meet their housing needs.

These programs are listed below, click to expand for contact information and links to additional information.

Housing Interagency Advisory Committee (HIAC) Meeting

Tuesday, April 29, 2025 | Great Bend Events Center, Great Bend

Strategies for Funding Housing Projects

This event is for cities and counties that have completed HATs or housing plans and are ready to take the next step toward funding and implementation. The HIAC will explain their programs and how the programs can help resolve housing needs. FREE to attend!

Partners include the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC), Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Development (USDA), and Federal Home Loan Bank (FHL Bank)


Affordable Housing Program (AHP)

Federal Home Loan Bank

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Aids developers in financing the purchase, construction, or rehabilitation of owner- and rental-occupied housing for low- or moderate-income households through subsidized advances and direct subsidies.

Contact: Dustie Humphreys at (785) 478-8060 or [email protected]

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO)

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Non-profit developers

Description: May apply for deferred HOME loans to acquire, rehabilitate or construct rental housing in rural areas.

Contact: KHRC Staff at [email protected].

Federal and State Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Tax Credit

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Offered for the construction and rehabilitation of rental housing for working families. The 4% credits are paired with the Private Activity Bond Program (PAB). LIHTC focus areas: rural; special need populations; addressing a housing shortage; housing with HUD Section 8, USDA Housing Assistance, or Public Authority; or housing developments with a current waiting list.

Contact: Housing Development staff at [email protected]

Kansas Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits

State Historical Preservation Office

Type: Tax Credit

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Offered for qualified rehabilitation projects on properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places.

Contact: SHPO staff at (785) 272-8681 or [email protected]

Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credit (KHITC) Program

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Tax Credit

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Offered for qualified developers and builders who make cash investments in qualified housing developments in counties with a population of less than 75,000.

Contact: Jessica Hotaling at 785-217-2073 or [email protected]

Kansas Housing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC)

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: : Cities, counties, non-profit organizations focused on housing development, builders or developers

Description: Moderate income housing development, including infrastructure necessary to support such development.

Contact: MIH Staff at [email protected].

Private Activity Bond Program (PAB)

Kansas Housing Resource Corporation

Type: Tax Exempt Bond Program

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Provides local units of government the ability to issue tax-exempt bonds for low-interest, long-term financing for developers and businesses. This tax-exempt bond program provides 4% tax credits to be a source of equity to the developer and lower rental rates to serve low-income households. The credits can be paired with LIHTC.

Contact: Affordable Housing Information: Alissa Ice (KHRC) at (785) 217-2036 or [email protected]
Other: Tim Zimmerman (KDC) at [email protected]

Reinvestment Housing Incentive District (RHID)

Kansas Department of Commerce

Type: Reimbursement

Eligible Grantees: : All cities and counties of less than 85,000 in population

Description: RHID is a program designed to aid developers in building housing within communities by assisting in the financing of renovations and public infrastructure improvements. RHID captures the incremental increase in real property taxes created by a housing development project for up to 25 years. The revenue can be used for reimbursement for incurred costs or to pay debt service on bonds.

Contact: Robert North at [email protected]

Rural Rental Housing Program

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Provides financing for affordable multi-family rental housing for low-income, elderly, or disabled individuals and families in eligible rural areas. Funds can be used for buying and improving land and providing the necessary infrastructure.

Contact: USDA Multi-Family Housing Service at [email protected]

Startup Housing Opportunity Venture Loan (SHOVL)

Kansas Department of Commerce

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Developers

Description: Provides funding for expenses incurred prior to the closing of their permanent financing for housing developments in communities under 10,000 that have experienced housing challenges. The developments must have a direct connection to past, current, or future economic development efforts.

Contact: Sara Bloom at [email protected].

Government Entities, Cities, Counties, and Non-Profits

Affordable Housing Program (AHP)

Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Aids developers in financing the purchase, construction, or rehabilitation of owner- and rental-occupied housing for low- or moderate-income households through subsidized advances and direct subsidies.

Contact: Dustie Humphreys at [email protected]

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Program

Kansas Department of Commerce

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: All cities and counties in Kansas, except for Johnson County, all towns within Johnson County, Kansas City, Manhattan, Lawrence, Topeka, Wichita, and Leavenworth.

Description: Funding for housing rehabilitation and demolition or neighborhood development for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. Activities include rehabilitation for owner- and rental-occupied housing, relocation of households from dilapidated residences, demolition of dilapidated housing, or removal of architectural barriers in residential properties. Neighborhood development includes those activities, in addition to public facilities improvement (street, drainage, curbs, or public sidewalks). Funds are also available for emergency rehabilitation for LMI households.

Contact: Tim Parks at (785) 480-8072 or [email protected]

Housing Preservation Grant Program

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Government entities, nonprofit organizations, or federally recognized tribes

Description: Provides funding for repair or rehabilitation of housing units owned or occupied by low- and very-low-income rural citizens.

Contact: Tracy McCubbin at (785) 624-3244 or [email protected]

Kansas Housing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC)

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Cities, counties, non-profit organizations focused on housing development, builders or developers

Description: Moderate income housing development, including infrastructure necessary to support such development.

Contact: MIH staff at [email protected]

Moderate Income Housing (MIH) Program

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Grant and/or Loan

Eligible Grantees: Cities and Counties under 60,000

Description: The Moderate Income Housing (MIH) program serves the needs of moderate-income households that typically don’t qualify for federal housing assistance. MIH provides funding to develop single or multi-family properties for homeownership or rentals. Projects can be for new construction, rehabilitation, or conversion from another use.

Contact: MIH staff at [email protected]

Mutual Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance Grants

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Government non-profit organizations, federally-recognized tribes, and private non-profit organizations

Description: Provides grants to help organizations carry out local self-help housing construction projects to very-low- and low-income households in rural areas.

Contact: Tracy McCubbin at (785) 624-3244 or [email protected]

Rural Housing Site Loans

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Private or public non-profit organizations, federally-recognized tribes

Description: Rural housing site loans provide two types of loans to purchase and develop housing sites for low- and moderate-income families.  

Contact: Tracy McCubbin at (785) 624-3244 or [email protected]

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Homeless service organizations

Description: Provides funding for providers who assist Kansans experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

Contact: Doug Wallace at (785) 217-2019 or [email protected]


First Time Home Buyer Program (FTHB)

Kansas Housing Resource Corporation

Type: Forgivable soft second mortgage

Eligible Grantees: Individuals earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

Description: Down payment assistance and closing costs for home buyers.

Contact: Marilyn Stanley at (785) 217-2044 or [email protected]

Home Loan Guarantee for Rural Kansas (HLG)

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Guarantee of gap

Eligible Grantees: Existing or prospective homeowners in rural Kansas counties under 10,000.

Description: Provides assistance in guarantee loan gaps for financial institutions. The loans can be used for land and building purchases, renovations, and new construction costs that may be capitalized or financed.

The HLG program serves existing and prospective homeowners in rural Kansas counties by helping guarantee loan gaps for financial institutions. The loans can be used for land and building purchases, renovations, and new construction costs that may be capitalized or financed in rural Kansas counties under 10,000 population.

Contact: Marilyn Stanley at (785) 217-2044 or [email protected]

Homeownership Set-Aside Program (HSP)

Federal Home Loan Bank

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: First-time homebuyers earning at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

Description: Provides down payment, closing cost, and repair assistance purchasing or constructing homes.

Contact: Jessica Puvogel at (785) 478-8064 or [email protected]

Homeownership Opportunities Expanded (HOPE)

Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Households in FHLBank’s district with incomes at or below 150% of the AMI

Description: Down payment, closing cost, and purchase-related repair grants up to $12,500 per household.

Contact: Dustie Humphreys at [email protected]

Tenant Based Rental Assistance

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Subsidy

Eligible Grantees: Individuals earning less than 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

Description: Assists with rent, security deposit, or utility deposits

Contact: Shyla Mason-Rockett at (785) 217-2044 or [email protected]

USDA Direct Home Loan Program

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Income-eligible, without safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas unable to obtain loans from other sources

Description: Funding for building, repairing, renovating or relocating a home, or to purchase and prepare sites, including water and sewage facilities.

Contact: Tracy McCubbin at (785) 624-3244 or [email protected]

USDA Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Program

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Loan

Eligible Grantees: Income-eligible households living in rural areas

Description: Offers financing in partnership with locally approved lenders to purchase an existing or newly constructed home.

  • For more information, contact an approved lender
  • For lenders who want to become approved, contact [email protected]

Contact: Tracy McCubbin at (785) 624-3244 or [email protected]

USDA Home Repair Program

USDA-Rural Development

Type: Loan or Grant

Eligible Grantees: Income-eligible homeowners

Description: Loans to homeowners to repair, improve or modernize homes or grants to elderly homeowners to remove health and safety concerns.  

Contact: Tracy McCubbin at (785) 624-3244 or [email protected]

Weatherization Assistance Program

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Type: Grant

Eligible Grantees: Income-eligible homeowners and renters

Description: To improve energy efficiency and lower utility bills, a comprehensive home energy audit is provided to identify home inefficiencies and health and safety concerns. Based on a home’s audit results, a variety of weatherization activities are served free of charge.

Contact: Francesca Tafanelli at 785-268-8117 [email protected]


Community Development Program (CDP)

Federal Home Loan Bank

The CDP helps lenders extend long-term, fixed rate credit for community development projects with favorable pricing, coupled with the availability of funds in terms of four months to 30 years.

Contact: Jennifer Bohnenkemper at (785) 478-8063 or [email protected]

Community Housing Program (CHP)

Federal Home Loan Bank

The CHP helps lenders extend long-term, fixed rate credit for housing with favorable pricing, coupled with the availability of funds in terms of four months to 30 years.

Contact: Jennifer Bohnenkemper at (785) 478-8063 or [email protected]

Kansas Housing Loan Deposit Program

Kansas State Treasurer

Under this program, the State Treasurer places funds in Kansas banks or farm credit associations so that they may issue loans to eligible borrowers. The number of loans is dependent on the purpose and are authorized for up to 5 years for single- and multi-family dwelling homes and up to 20 years for adult care and assisted living homes. Interested borrowers should contact their lenders for more information if this program is right for them. Lenders must have an executed Participation Agreement on file in the State Treasurer’s Office to participate in this program.

Want to Learn More About Community Development Programs?
