En CUENTO incluye $42.000 millones para el acceso a Internet de alta velocidad. El objetivo de este programa federal de subvenciones, financiado por la Ley de Inversión en Infraestructuras y Empleo, es proporcionar Internet universal financiando asociaciones entre estados o territorios, comunidades y partes interesadas para construir infraestructuras donde sea necesario y aumentar la adopción de Internet de alta velocidad. BEAD da prioridad a las localidades desatendidas que no tienen acceso a Internet o que sólo tienen acceso a menos de 25/3 Mbps y a las localidades desatendidas que sólo tienen acceso a menos de 100/20 Mbps.
La National Telecommunication Information and Administration asignó $451 millones de dólares en Kansas para hacer frente a la brecha digital. El Plan de Acción Quinquenal para el Despliegue y el Acceso Equitativo a la Banda Ancha, junto con el Volumen 1 y el Volumen 2, han identificado las ubicaciones atendidas, no atendidas e insuficientemente atendidas en todo el estado. El Plan de Acción Quinquenal aborda el "qué" hará KOBD, y el Volumen 1 y el Volumen 2 abordan el "cómo" sucederá y cómo KOBD abordará la brecha digital.
KOBD opened the BEAD application subgrantee selection process on October 21 and will now close the portal at noon on December 20th. Applicants must complete registration prior to beginning the application process. Access the portal aquí.
Join KOBD and team as we open our virtual offices for questions to assist with the BEAD technical application. This will be an open opportunity to bring your questions and engage with the office. Register for the Office Hours aquí and review recordings via the dropdown menu below.
Se recomienda a los inscritos que utilicen esta guía para preinscribirse a través del portal.
Estos formularios deben ser utilizados por los solicitantes de registro para los archivos requeridos que se cargarán como parte del registro. Consulte la Guía para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo rellenar y renombrar estos archivos.
Registration curing requests will come from a Salesforce automated email address of “KDC SF NoReply <[email protected]>”. Emails will go to the Lead Project and Lead Technical Project contacts. If you have a question regarding your curing request, do not reply to that email. Email questions to the [email protected]v inbox and a team member will respond to you.
To maximize time for eligible applicants to participate in the BEAD subgrant selection process, KOBD will accept submitted registrations as sufficient to allow applicants to access the BEAD technical application portal. Please note, this does NOT suggest your registration has been accepted as being satisfactory. All applicants must have a successful registration to allow for their submitted technical application to be reviewed by KOBD. Unsuccessful registrations will result in it being returned for curing and technical applications submitted by the applicant cannot be reviewed until all registration curing has been satisfied.
Our Salesforce portal is limited to one unique user working within the Salesforce application. However, our Salesforce team has suggested the following workaround to allow multiple people to collaborate.
To collaborate on your BEAD registration and/or technical application simultaneously, you must be willing to share your login credentials for Salesforce with other people. Once you’ve shared your login information with one or more people, all of you may begin working on separate sections of the same application.
PLEASE NOTE: This workaround will not work if two or more people are attempting to work in the same section of the application. The solution only works if each contributor is working in different sections. Each person working on their specific section must save their progress to ensure that Salesforce registers the entries into the portal. To confirm that the progress of others is within the system, please refresh the page after you save your work (if that does not work, logging out and logging back in should reflect all the latest saved progress).
KOBD is sharing an important update regarding Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs) that will be excluded from Kansas’ final BEAD proposal based on Version 5 of the FCC/BDC data (see NTIA Guidance V1.2 page 89 (reason code 3).
En BSLs_not_in_V5 file, lists locations from the published post-challenge BSL list (Final_Approved_Kansas_Locations_09_26_24: the official list of BSLs and their classifications as approved by NTIA) that have either been removed or reclassified as non-BSL or non-mass-market locations in Version 5 of the FCC/BDC data.
This determination was made based on the absence of matching Location IDs. Additionally, KOBD is providing a summary document, BSLs_not_in_V5_PFA_Summary, which details the number of these Version 5 “no-shows” within each Project Funding Area (PFA).
Please reference both documents and ensure these BSLs are classified as “will not serve” in your application as you develop your proposals.
In the event that your submitted application includes BSLs that are not in V5 and there is intent to serve them, KOBD retains the right to engage in negotiation post-application window closing regarding the removal of these locations.
Our Salesforce portal is limited to one unique user working within the Salesforce application. However, our Salesforce team has suggested the following workaround to allow multiple people to collaborate.
To collaborate on your BEAD registration and/or technical application simultaneously, you must be willing to share your login credentials for Salesforce with other people. Once you’ve shared your login information with one or more people, all of you may begin working on separate sections of the same application.
PLEASE NOTE: This workaround will not work if two or more people are attempting to work in the same section of the application. The solution only works if each contributor is working in different sections. Each person working on their specific section must save their progress to ensure that Salesforce registers the entries into the portal. To confirm that the progress of others is within the system, please refresh the page after you save your work (if that does not work, logging out and logging back in should reflect all the latest saved progress).
9/30/2024 locations published.
Please find the final project funding area files for eligible Kansas BSLs below.
Location status: 0=unserved/eligible, 1=underserved/eligible, 2=served/funded/ineligible.
*Please note files with an *asterisk* will not open in Excel completely. Will require other software.
Interested applicants were required to complete registration but allowed to address any outstanding issues (curing) before starting their technical application.
Following a thorough review by the KOBD team, all applicants received notifications on their pre-qualification status, indicating whether their submission was approved, returned for curing, or disqualified. The following organizations successfully registered to participate in the BEAD program.
In accordance with NTIA’s BEAD NOFO requirements, KOBD has updated internal communication policies to establish a ‘Quiet Period’ until the end of KOBD’s subgrantee selection process to comply with the BEAD NOFO.
Entities eligible to apply for BEAD such as internet service providers, municipalities, etc. with questions about BEAD programmatically including but not limited to verbal or electronic communications such as text, voice calls, emails, etc. will not be responded to unless they are emailed directly to [email protected] or brought up during a public BEAD office hour hosted by KOBD.
When emailing [email protected], eligible entities can expect a response to appear on KOBD’s website, www.kansascommerce.gov/bead as a new FAQ response under Recursos if one does not already exist.
Questions posed during a public BEAD office hour hosted by KOBD can be directly responded to by KOBD staff during the office hour and responses will be posted on KOBD’s website as a new FAQ response if one does not already exist. No communications will be sent out with a direct response to a question either from KOBD staff or the [email protected] email address.
Please refer to the BEAD NOFO (page 35):
7. Subgrantee Selection Process
a. General Principles Governing Subgrantee Selection
i. Protecting the Integrity of the Selection Process
In establishing a fair, open, equitable, and competitive selection process, each Eligible Entity must ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect the integrity of the competition, including safeguards against collusion, bias, conflicts of interest, arbitrary decisions, and other factors that could undermine confidence in the process.
La NTIA definió "coste elevado" utilizando un modelo de costes que incorpora la lejanía de una zona, la densidad de población, la topografía y los niveles de pobreza, y mide los costes a lo largo de la vida útil de la red. La NTIA definió "zona" como los grupos de bloques censales. Ver el sitio web de la NTIA aquí.
Coordinación local y tribal
Approved V2 indicates that evidence must consist of meeting minutes, attendee lists and discussion items like those contained in the NTIA Local Coordination Tracker. Below is a link to the NTIA website that houses the Local Coordination Tracking Tool.
KOBD is still accepting NDAs. An NDA has been provided from KOBD. Access it aquí. KOBD is not able to accept redlines.
KOBD continues to engage with industry and broadband partners via the Industry Roundtables.
The upcoming dates are November 26 and December 12. The 2024 Industry Roundtables will be every other Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
Roundtables intend to provide a space to discuss and share updates from the Office of Broadband. Additionally, NTIA Federal Program Officer Melinda Stanley will occasionally be on to clarify program questions.
To submit questions in advance or be added to the Industry Roundtable distribution list, please email Shelley Paasch.
Industry Roundtable Records are linked below:
KOBD is sharing an important update regarding Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs) that will be excluded from Kansas’ final BEAD proposal based on Version 5 of the FCC/BDC data (see NTIA Guidance V1.2 page 89 (reason code 3).
En BSLs_not_in_V5 file, lists locations from the published post-challenge BSL list (Final_Approved_Kansas_Locations_09_26_24: the official list of BSLs and their classifications as approved by NTIA) that have either been removed or reclassified as non-BSL or non-mass-market locations in Version 5 of the FCC/BDC data.
This determination was made based on the absence of matching Location IDs. Additionally, KOBD is providing a summary document, BSLs_not_in_V5_PFA_Summary, which details the number of these Version 5 “no-shows” within each Project Funding Area (PFA).
Please reference both documents and ensure these BSLs are classified as “will not serve” in your application as you develop your proposals.
In the event that your submitted application includes BSLs that are not in V5 and there is intent to serve them, KOBD retains the right to engage in negotiation post-application window closing regarding the removal of these locations.
Para denunciar sospechas de fraude, despilfarro o abuso, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Investigaciones de la Oficina del Inspector General del Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos.
Para más información, visite la Oficina del Inspector General del Departamento de Comercio aquí.
Basado en Propuesta inicial Volumen 1 Plan de Transparencia (página 15), KOBD hará públicas todas las impugnaciones y refutaciones presentadas antes de que se tomen las decisiones definitivas sobre las impugnaciones, con la siguiente información:
KOBD no publicará ninguna información personal identificable (IPI) o información de propiedad, incluyendo nombres de suscriptores, direcciones postales o direcciones IP de clientes. Para garantizar la protección de toda la IIP, KOBD eliminará cualquier IIP de todas las impugnaciones y refutaciones antes de su publicación. Además, se proporcionará orientación a todos los impugnadores sobre qué información puede publicarse. La siguiente lista incluye todas las impugnaciones presentadas, pero no todas las impugnaciones presentadas en la lista fueron aprobadas para pasar a la refutación. Puede descargar todas las impugnaciones presentadas aquí.
KOBD recibió la aprobación de la NTIA a nuestra Propuesta Inicial Volumen 1 y sigue avanzando en el proceso de impugnación.
El proceso oficial del Desafío comenzó el viernes 15 de diciembre a las 12.00 h. (hora central europea) y finalizó el domingo 14 de enero a las 17.00 h. (hora central europea).
Las cuatro fases del proceso de impugnación:
Entre las entidades impugnadoras admisibles se incluyen:
Información sobre la ubicación:
Proceso posterior a la deduplicación: KOBD utilizará el kit de herramientas de la NTIA y deduplicará nuestros actuales programas de subvenciones estatales, LINC, BAG 3.0 y el modelo federal de costes alternativos mejorados de Connect America (EACAM), que pueden concederse y/o contratarse durante el proceso de impugnación. Las impugnaciones de compromisos ejecutables para estas ubicaciones del programa no son necesarias.
Recordatorio de licencia: Las licencias son necesarias cuando se utilizan las plantillas precargadas de información de ubicación del portal de impugnaciones y permiten presentar una impugnación en varias ubicaciones a la vez.
Las entidades elegibles (gobiernos tribales/locales, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y proveedores de servicios de Internet) pueden solicitar licencias a CostQuest, sin coste alguno. Más información en la página web de la NTIA aquí.
El proceso oficial de impugnación se esbozaba en el Volumen 1 de la Propuesta Inicial y exigía que el proceso fuera transparente, basado en pruebas y expeditivo.
Resumen del proceso de impugnación | Volumen 1 -Documento completo |
Pruebas aceptables | Documento de la NTIA |
Licencias de datos | Página web de la NTIA sobre licencias de CostQuest |
Directrices del Portal del Reto | Documento de directrices del portal del desafío KOBD |
Portal del Reto - Página web | Portal del Reto - Página web |
A continuación encontrará enlaces a los seminarios organizados por KOBD, así como información sobre los próximos.