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Office of Broadband Development

Oficina de Desarrollo de la Banda Ancha

En nuestro mundo moderno, el acceso a Internet de alta velocidad no es un lujo, sino una necesidad.

Con tanta información y comunicaciones vitales en línea, las comunidades y empresas que no pueden acceder a conexiones a Internet de alta calidad no sólo están en desventaja, sino que quedan excluidas de una parte importante de la economía. Teniendo esto en cuenta, proporcionar acceso de banda ancha a todas las comunidades de nuestro estado es una de las principales prioridades del Departamento de Comercio.


Broadband Infrastructure Development Investment: BPAG, CERG, BAG1, BAG2, BAG3, BAG4, CPF, LINC

less than $400,000
Greater than or
equal to $10,000,000


Últimas noticias de KOBD

Stay up to date with the latest developments in broadband access and digital opportunities across Kansas. Here, you will find announcements about groundbreaking projects, new grant opportunities, and recent awards aimed at expanding high-speed internet and digital opportunities.

More News
Governor Kelly Announces More than $8M Toward Closing the Digital Divide

Governor Kelly Announces More than $8M Toward Closing the Digital Divide

Governor Laura Kelly announced Thursday that the Kansas Office of Broadband Development will begin accepting applications on Feb. 3, 2025,…

Governor Kelly Announces $10.7M to Expand Internet Access to Devices and Public Wi-Fi

Governor Kelly Announces $10.7M to Expand Internet Access to Devices and Public Wi-Fi

Governor Laura Kelly announced Tuesday that applications will open Thursday, Dec. 12, for a second round of the Advancing Digital…

Governor Kelly Announces Applications to Open for $451.7M Internet Initiative

Governor Kelly Announces Applications to Open for $451.7M Internet Initiative

Governor Laura Kelly announced today that applications will open on Oct. 21 for the National Telecommunications Information and Administration (NTIA)…

Governor Kelly Announces Second Round of Funding to Improve Digital Skills for Kansans

El gobernador Kelly anuncia una segunda ronda de financiación para mejorar las competencias digitales de los kansanos

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that applications are open for the second round of the Digital Opportunities to…

Governor Kelly Announces $10M for Broadband Projects in Rural Kansas

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia $10M para proyectos de banda ancha en las zonas rurales de Kansas

Governor Laura Kelly announced today that $10 million has been awarded to 12 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the latest…

Governor Kelly Announces Nearly $4M Awarded through Broadband ADOPT Program

El gobernador Kelly anuncia la concesión de casi $4M a través del programa Broadband ADOPT

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that seven organizations will receive a combined $3.9 million in grants through the Advancing…

Governor Kelly Announces Nearly $3M to Improve Digital Literacy in Kansas

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia casi $3M para mejorar la alfabetización digital en Kansas

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that $2.8 million is being invested in 15 organizations through the Digital Opportunities…

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas Moving Forward with $451.7M High-Speed Internet Deployment Plan

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia que Kansas avanza con un plan de despliegue de Internet de alta velocidad de $451,7M

TOPEKA — Governor Laura Kelly today announced federal approval of the state’s Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Initial Proposal…

Governor Kelly Announces More than $8M to be Invested in Digital Opportunities

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia que se invertirán más de $8M en oportunidades digitales

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that Kansas is receiving $8.2 million to begin implementing the Kansas Digital Equity…

Kansas awarded nearly $1 million from USDA to assist with rural digital divide

Kansas recibe casi $1 millones del USDA para ayudar en la brecha digital rural

TOPEKA – The Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) has been awarded nearly $1 million from the U.S. Department of…

Broadband Acceleration Grant Makes $10M Available

La subvención para acelerar la banda ancha pone a disposición $10M

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced $10 million is available to enhance broadband infrastructure…

Governor Kelly Announces Nearly $5M for Digital Skills Training

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia casi $5M para la formación en competencias digitales

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced a $4.75 million initiative to improve the digital skills of Kansans not yet…

Governor Kelly Unveils New Designation for Kansas Cities Improving High-Speed Internet

El Gobernador Kelly presenta una nueva designación para las ciudades de Kansas que mejoran su Internet de alta velocidad

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced the launch of Kansas Broadband Ready Communities, a new certification from the Kansas…

Governor Kelly Announces Nearly $15M Available to Connect Kansans to Digital Devices and Public Wi-Fi

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia casi $15M disponibles para conectar a los habitantes de Kansas a dispositivos digitales y Wi-Fi público

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that applications are open for the Advancing Digital Opportunities to Promote Technology (ADOPT) program….

Governor Kelly Announces $28.5M for High-Speed Internet Infrastructure

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia $28,5M para infraestructuras de Internet de alta velocidad

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that $28.5 million in grants were awarded to 12 entities through the Lasting…

Governor Kelly Announces $5M to Expand Access to High-Speed Internet in Rural Kansas Communities

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia $5M para ampliar el acceso a Internet de alta velocidad en las comunidades rurales de Kansas

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that $5 million has been awarded to eight internet service providers (ISPs) in…

Governor Kelly Invites Public Input on Volume 2 of Broadband Plan

El Gobernador Kelly invita al público a participar en el Volumen 2 del Plan de Banda Ancha

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced the release of the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Initial Proposal Volume 2….

Governor Kelly Releases Kansas Broadband Digital Equity Plan for Public Comment

El Gobernador Kelly publica el Plan de Equidad Digital de Banda Ancha de Kansas para su comentario público

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced the Kansas Digital Equity (DE) Plan for high-speed internet connectivity is available for public…

Kansas Submits Five-Year, $451M Action Plan to Expand High-Speed Internet

Kansas presenta un plan de acción quinquenal de $451M para ampliar Internet de alta velocidad

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the Kansas Office of Broadband Development has submitted the state’s comprehensive Broadband…

Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Awarded Nearly $500K to Boost Internet Connectivity

La tribu de Iowa de Kansas y Nebraska recibe casi $500K para impulsar la conectividad a Internet

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that a $498,000 broadband grant has been awarded to the Iowa Tribe of Kansas…

Governor Kelly Invites Public Input on Broadband Infrastructure Plan

El Gobernador Kelly invita al público a participar en el Plan de Infraestructuras de Banda Ancha

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Initial Proposal Volume 1 is…

Kansas Receives $451.7 Million for High Speed Broadband Infrastructure

Kansas recibe $451,7 millones para infraestructuras de banda ancha de alta velocidad

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that Kansas will receive $451.7 million in funding to support broadband infrastructure construction to…

Broadband Acceleration Grant 3.0 Will Invest $5 Million to Bridge the Digital Divide in Kansas

La subvención de aceleración de la banda ancha 3.0 invertirá $5 millones para salvar la brecha digital en Kansas

TOPEKA – The State of Kansas continues to push towards bridging the digital divide with the launch of the Broadband Acceleration…

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas Wins Nearly $43M to Build Key Infrastructure for High-Speed Internet

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia que Kansas obtiene casi $43M para construir infraestructuras clave para Internet de alta velocidad

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the National Telecommunications Information and Administration (NTIA) has awarded the Kansas Office of…

Kansas Launches Broadband Speed Test and Comprehensive Expansion Plan

Kansas lanza una prueba de velocidad de banda ancha y un amplio plan de expansión

TOPEKA – The Kansas Office of Broadband Development is developing a comprehensive strategic plan to expand broadband infrastructure statewide and…

Governor Kelly Announces $30 Million to Increase High-Speed Internet Availability

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia $30 millones para aumentar la disponibilidad de Internet de alta velocidad

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced a new program aimed at helping Kansas communities that lack high-speed internet. The Lasting…

Governor Kelly Launches Statewide Initiative to Increase Adoption of Affordable Connectivity Program

El Gobernador Kelly lanza una iniciativa estatal para aumentar la adopción del Programa de Conectividad Asequible

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced a statewide initiative to increase awareness of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a…

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas to Receive $15M to Provide Communities Digital Devices and Skills Training

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia que Kansas recibirá $15M para proporcionar a las comunidades dispositivos digitales y formación en habilidades

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that Kansas is the first state to receive $15 million in U.S. Department of…

Office of Broadband to Launch ‘Kansas Broadband Roadshow’

La Oficina de Banda Ancha lanzará un "Kansas Broadband Roadshow

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced the Kansas Office of Broadband Development will take…

Governor Kelly Announces Nearly $45 Million to Connect Kansans to High-Speed Internet

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia casi $45 millones para conectar a los kansanos a Internet de alta velocidad

~Nearly 18,500 Locations Connected to High-Speed Internet in Final Phase of Kansas Capital Project Funds Program~ TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly…

Kansas Receives Nearly $5.7M to Expand Equitable Broadband Access

Kansas recibe casi $5,7M para ampliar el acceso equitativo a la banda ancha

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced Kansas has received nearly $5.7 million to expand broadband access, adoption, and affordability,…

Governor Kelly Announces Over $23M to Expand Broadband in Rural Kansas

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia más de $23M para ampliar la banda ancha en las zonas rurales de Kansas

~Funding will Connect Nearly 4,200 Homes, Businesses, Schools to Internet~ TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that $23.1 million will…

Governor Kelly Announces Nearly $16M to Expand Broadband in Rural Kansas

El Gobernador Kelly anuncia casi $16M para ampliar la banda ancha en las zonas rurales de Kansas

~Funding will Connect Nearly 2,000 Homes, Businesses, Schools to Internet~ TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today $15.7 million will…

Demand High for Investments in State’s Broadband Infrastructure

Gran demanda de inversiones en infraestructuras estatales de banda ancha

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly’s goal of connecting all Kansans to high-speed broadband internet has piqued the interest of individuals…

Governor Laura Kelly Announces 21,000 More Kansas Homes Will Soon Be Connected to High-Speed Internet

La Gobernadora Laura Kelly anuncia que 21.000 hogares más de Kansas estarán pronto conectados a Internet de alta velocidad

~$83.5M in Grants Are Available to Expand Broadband Access in High-Need Areas~ TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that…

Lt. Governor Toland Announces Two New Directors

El Vicegobernador Toland anuncia dos nuevos Directores

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland today announced two new hires for the agency. Jade Piros de…

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Recipients of $10 Million Investment Expanding Broadband Access Across Rural Kansas

La Gobernadora Laura Kelly anuncia los beneficiarios de una inversión de $10 millones para ampliar el acceso a la banda ancha en las zonas rurales de Kansas

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced the 11 recipients of the Broadband Acceleration Grant program resulting in more than…

Lieutenant Governor Toland Announces Public Comment Period for the Broadband Acceleration Grants

El Vicegobernador Toland anuncia un periodo de comentarios públicos para las subvenciones de aceleración de la banda ancha

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland announced the opening of a public comment period for the Broadband…

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Broadband Acceleration Grant Program Submission Window

La Gobernadora Laura Kelly anuncia el plazo de presentación de solicitudes para el Programa de Subvenciones para la Aceleración de la Banda Ancha

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced the application window for Broadband Acceleration Grant Program submissions. “Access to high-speed internet is…

Governor Laura Kelly visits McFarland to Celebrate $5 million in Grants to Expand Broadband to Homes, Businesses Statewide

La gobernadora Laura Kelly visita McFarland para celebrar la concesión de subvenciones por valor de $5 millones para ampliar la banda ancha a hogares y empresas de todo el estado

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that through the Broadband Acceleration Grant Program, 14 broadband improvement projects totaling $5…
