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< All CDBG Programs

Water & Sewer Infrastructure

This program provides funding to assist with water and sewer infrastructure projects.


Up to $2,000 per
beneficiary with a
maximum of


<5,000 Population


>5,000 Population



of the total project cost minus administration


November 1, 2024



  • done
    Have an acceptable use project
  • done
    Benefit low-to-moderate income households
  • done
    At least 25% matching funds


check qualifications programs and more


Program Overview

Funding Amounts

$1 million has been allocated for the Water and Sewer Infrastructure Grant program in 2024. Communities can receive up to $2,000 per beneficiary up to $650,000 (<5,000 population) and $800,000 (>5,000). Administrative costs are limited to $25,000.

Qualifying Projects

This program funds water and sewer infrastructure projects. Eligible expenses include:

  • Improvement to water and sewer infrastructure.
  • Engineering costs related to these projects.
  • Administration costs for grant funds.

Selection Criteria

Grant applications are evaluated for funding based on project need, readiness, impact, sustainability and matching funds source and availability.

Key considerations include:

  • Demonstrating that alternative solutions were examined to address the facility need.
  • At or above the current state average for water or sewer rates. City water rate – $38.00. Rural water district rate – $50.00. Sewer rate – $30.00
  • At least 51% of all program participants must meet LMI (low-to-moderate income) requirements – which is at or below 80% of the Average Median Income for the county in which the family resigns.
  • Communities who have not been awarded a CDBG Grant in the annual competition within the last five years in Housing, Community Facilities, or Water and Sewer will receive 10 bonus points on their application rating.
  • 10 bonus points will be awarded if at least 10% of local match comes from other private sources such as foundations (not bonds or state and federal agencies).
  • Download grant guidelines for more information on program requirements.


Is there a match requirement?

Yes, the application requires a 25% cash match.

Can the donation of land meet part of the match requirement?

Yes, it can but at least 10% of the match must be cash.

How to figure out the low- and moderate-income (LMI) requirements?

Cities and Counties can qualify by using the 2015 HUD Census data spreadsheet to determine their current LMI percent that HUD is reporting as a qualifier. If the community does not meet our 51 percent LMI requirement based on the data in that document, they can choose to do an income-based survey of the city or county that benefits from the project. Sometimes projects are not a city-wide or county-wide benefit, which results in target area benefit. To meet the 51 percent LMI requirement for this type of project, an income-based survey of the beneficiaries only in that area is required. Additional information on how to conduct an income-based survey can be requested from the CDBG team.

If we apply for more than one project will that hurt our applications rating or chances?

Cities are eligible to submit only one application per year for our Annual Competition. Counties may apply for two. They may apply for one for themselves or one on behalf of another organization or entity.

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Community Showcase Map

See other communities that have received funding in past years

How to Apply


LMI help The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program requires that each CDBG funded activity must either principally benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons, aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, or meet a community development need having a particular urgency.

View LMI Family Income Limits for
Persons in
LMI Family Income Limit*

*LMI calculations are from the 2020 Census and LMI by household are from 2024 HUD Section 8. Final LMI will be confirmed upon application review.


Find Assistance

Assistance from a professional with CDBG grant experience can help you streamline and strengthen your application. Some or all of the costs to engage help can be covered by your award.

Find Pros in Your Area

Have Questions?

Email Ginny Eardley, CDBG Specialist,
[email protected]
(785) 230-6319